
We looked high and low, had a few false starts, and just when we were worried the cause was lost, we alighted on a lovely, light-filled, warm and wonderful space that was right where we wanted it to be!

We lit the candles of hope for Hanukkah, and we waited patiently through the longest night of the year. Then, right before we celebrated the most famous out-of-hospital birth in history, the miracle came to pass. The final signature was affixed to the lease on December 24th!

We still have some work to do before we start catching babies. Our architect is working hard to design the lovely birthing suites we envision, and our contractor is ready to start installing the birthing tubs and bathrooms. We are shopping for beds and birthing balls, curtains and couches, rugs and rebozos.

With a little luck (fingers crossed for smooth sailing through the Department of Building Inspections!) we will be open come spring! 

And of course we will keep you updated as we go. We are not QUITE ready to start seeing pregnant ladies, but soon! Very soon!

Thank you all for your support and good wishes. It has meant so very much to us!